About Me
The Full Story
My name is Marielle, I grew up in The Netherlands.
My favorite invention is the bicycle and in my tiny country there are infinite options to ride a bicycle.
When I was a child I was in a traumatic car accident with my parents and after this accident we got rid of our car and traveled solely by bicycle and train.
It created a lot of space for my sister and I to be outdoors and to explore.
Movement has been an integral part of my life and I always felt the deep benefits to my body and my nervous system.
Riding my bicycle to work and the feeling of the early morning around me and walks on the beach, helped me to ground and to calm down.
Spirituality was always part of my life.
It was naturally given. I would sense energy and I had an innocent trust in a Higher Power.
In my teenage years that inner life-line got obscured.
An experience with a Celestial being restored it and this ignited my spiritual journey in 1988.
I traveled to India and I found my Guru: Sathya Sai Baba.
I studied with him for 7 years and I found a great community in Amsterdam.

In Amsterdam I started to take Yoga classes from an inspiring teacher who lived in New York before.
She genuinely taught from her heart. I can still hear her voice...
In the year 2000 I radically decided to study A Course in Miracles with Master teacher, because I wanted to explore a Western Teaching.
This relocated me in Wisconsin.
In 2005 after my daughter was born I reconnected with Amrita Ananda Mayi, a Sat Guru, who I briefly met in 1999 in Amsterdam.
Her powerful presence immediately took me in. She deepened my channel of meditation and care for humanity.
In 2008 I experienced an intense depression and regular anxiety attacks.
I had to do something.
It brought me back to a Yoga class and I was amazed how much it helped stabilize my emotions.
I felt immediately at peace.
I did not leave the Yoga world after this experience and in 2010 I became a Yoga instructor.
It has been a wonderful journey of self healing, well being and love.
it was probably the best career choice I could have chosen for myself.
Bringing the body and the mind together and bridging the gap between the West and the East.
I learned to translate an Eastern practice in a Western body.
And to create a connection between the practical world and the energy beneath it all.
It helped me be true to my inner mission to support people in the healing of their inner physical, mental and emotional imbalances.
“When you get up from your Yoga mat and step back in your world, may the strength of your body, the steadiness in your emotions and the compassion in your heart bring forth love, peace and joy in your live and in all the lives you meet today."

My Spiritual Direction
My spiritual direction is bringing the soul back to the body and providing it with a safe place to land in.
All of us have inner wounds and developmental challenges. We have spaces in our mind and body that lack vitality, trust and love.
We store all our emotions and experiences in the tissue of our bodies. And for us to feel loved and show up with authenticity, we deserve the generosity of being present.
This simply means being grounded, living from a soft, open heart and acting from a solid, stable core.
My values for my Yoga and body-work practices are:

Developing compassion for ourselves and tapping into sustainable self care practices.
This starts with re-igniting the inner fire of joy.
Happiness is a by- product of peace, love and truth. In the safe environment of dis-covering our buried inner child we learn how to trust, appreciate and express ourselves.
We will develop tools to stay consistently happy and free in our lives; Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, body-work, art and nature.
Our experiences will create new pathways.
Just as we need to place a fence around a young tree to prevent it from being eaten by wild life, we also can assure ourselves that we are there for ourselves. Healthy boundaries that protect our integrity and help us grow in our own unique way and pace instead of walling ourselves off from love and our intuition.
Living with the rhythm of the earth.
It is a powerful connection that we can use anytime when we need support. We can be nurtured and calmed through our relationship with water, sunlight, trees or the wind.
The earth is always there for us as an inspiration, a witness of our growth, a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on.
It would be an honor to take this journey of transformation with you one baby step at a time.