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Dec 15, 20221 min read
I love snow days! It is an excellent time to grow closer to our inner selves. To re-set our energy and to allow our bodies and minds to...

Dec 13, 20221 min read
Calm and peace
With the hustle and bustle of the Holidays right around the corner, we will dedicate this Yoga class to down-regulating the nervous...

Dec 8, 20221 min read
Preventing injuries
Life throws us curve balls. Balancing is therefor a different act each day. Sometimes it is balancing our emotional response or the way...

Dec 6, 20221 min read
brain and immune system
Until recently, Western medicine remained skeptical of claims that body-mind technics like Yoga could enhance immune function because...

Nov 30, 20221 min read
Align the spine
Our body has a wisdom of its own beyond our analyzing brain. When we learn to listen, we create balance of work, rest and play. Tomorrow...

Nov 29, 20221 min read
pain remedy
Honor what happens in your body. There is no right way to be other than the way you are, and treat yourself with compassionate self...

Nov 24, 20221 min read
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your day will be full of love, light and laughter. Thank you for your presence in my classes, your...

Nov 22, 20221 min read
Going in
Deepening our practice does not require us to perform more difficult poses. Our practice deepens naturally as we closely attune to the...

Nov 17, 20221 min read
“The greatest power of Yoga may be that which comes from understanding that we are not this body; our life on this planet is short. We...

Nov 15, 20221 min read
Inner Connection
When the weather draws us more inward, it is time to let our creative fluids flow. It does not matter what they are: writing, drawing, a...

Nov 10, 20221 min read
Yoga ingredients
When the body is sluggish and the world is viewed through a thick layer of emotional baggage and mental clutter, it is impossible to see...

Nov 8, 20221 min read
Breath of joy
Soups are an ideal food for the Fall season, keeping us grounded and warmed up. Especially when they contain many root vegetables. We can...

Nov 1, 20221 min read
Conscious Awareness
In order for us to become more present and to pick up the subtle sensations in our bodies, we will use four tools today: -We will warm up...

Oct 27, 20221 min read
Yoga soup
"Yoga soup for the soul.” Yoga and soup pair well together. Because they both nurture our system, help prevent disease and enhance our...

Oct 25, 20221 min read
Conserving Sun-energy
The sun is a symbol of out-going energy. It represents positivity, clarity and confidence. In this more inward season, we are ready to...

Oct 19, 20221 min read
Shoulder Joint
When we are young, we have a beautiful wide chest and spacious shoulder blades. Slumping forward triggers anxiety and makes us feel more...

Oct 18, 20221 min read
Warming the joints
Oil changes for our vehicles are necessary to keep them running smoothly. The same is true for our bodies, especially in support of our...

Oct 13, 20221 min read
Wind Down
Lesson for the day: sleep deprivation depresses the Immune System, increases irritability and slows reaction time. Regular Yoga practice...

Oct 11, 20221 min read
Unification of opposites
Yoga has a very unique advantage: we are friends with Gravity. We create strength in our energy-body through finding the balance between...

Oct 6, 20221 min read
Living life on life's terms
All of us suffer injuries or our bodies, mind or emotions get out of alignment. Sun -Salutations are a great tool to warm up the body and...
Marielle's Blog
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