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Artemis Series


Hello Artemis lovers,

We have finalized the dates for our journey together.

For 4 ZOOM classes we will dive into this powerful Archetype.

We will celebrate our connection with nature and we will explore our own inner mother.

In our Yoga practice we will explore into Moon- Salutations, Warriors and different Eagle Poses to awaken her qualities.

We will nurture our inner artist and inspire our senses in creative contemplation.

Please confirm your registration by May 10th.

Time: Tuesday from Noon till 1:30 PM, Central Time

May 17

Class 1: The Sacred Sisterhood

May 24

Class 2: Universal Female Protector

June 7

Class 3: The Moon cycles

June 14

Class 4: Goddess of the hunt and nature

Much love,

Ulli and


Zoom Artemis Classes

Join URL: Meeting ID: 522-828-578 Contribution: sliding scale, 175-250 Dollars for all 4 classes and guidance in-between classes. Venmo: marielle-school PayPal:


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