The meaning of BALANCE:
"An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady."
"Stability of one’s mind or feelings."
These are beautiful expressions of how I can stay peaceful in my life.
The more I stay spiritually fit and I take the time to meditate and pray, the more I am plugged into the love and the wisdom of the universe and my balancing act is natural and almost effortless.
Last night I had a dream in which I was very high up on an open structure and I desperately tried to not slip and fall.
It was terrifying.
In the morning I recognized that there are some edgy fears I am harboring about a decision that I made, and that it effects my balance.
I feel insecure.
It requires me to train my “compassion" muscles and to give myself space to find the nurturing and support that will help me to regain balance.
How awesome that I can make that choice!
“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.”
-George Eliot
In class tomorrow, we will work with balance in smaller and bigger ways.
Balance brings grace back into our lives.
We can practice with our physical bodies and it will translate in our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
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