The down-to-earth definition of Dharma is: living in harmony with life.
This is a call to attune to the essence of each circumstance with kindness and genuine concern for the well being of others.
When we live according to the laws of Dharma:
-We take good care of ourselves and our bodies.
-We express our creative energies.
-We increase being successful in our work and personal lives.
-We improve our relationships with others.
Our pose for the day will be, Dancer, Natarajasana.
To emphasize the cosmic dance in which we can practice mastering our life energy,
Benefits: It strengthens the feet, ankles, legs, arms, core and the back.
It opens the hips, abdomen, chest and the shoulders.
It improves balance and concentration.
For this Yoga class we will use a STRAP.
Much love,
“Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are.”
-Gretel Ehrlich
Zoom Yoga Class, 1/24, 7PM, Central Time
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/522828578
Meeting ID: 522-828-578
Contribution: 10 Dollars
Venmo: marielle-school
PayPal: marielleschool@gmail.com