“Plek” means “space” in Dutch.
In Yoga we find our own space by carving out a practice time. We draw our circle and make the decision to embody ourselves in time and space. In this class we will experiment with different aspects of embodiment. 1. Through our Standing poses, we learn to support ourselves from our feet and our pelvis, instead of from our back or our shoulders. And we increase our strength and our endurance. 2. Meditation and regulating our breathing, helps us to rest in ourselves and to rejuvenate. 3. Tugging on the muscles and ligaments creates spaciousness and increases vital energy. I hope you will find a generous moment to join us! Much love, Marielle “Bo ( our dog ) was a constant, gentle presence in our lives-happy to see us on our good days, our bad days and every day in between…he was exactly what we needed and more than we ever expected.” -Barack Obama Zoom Yoga Class, 4/19, 7PM, Central Time Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/522828578 Meeting ID: 522-828-578 Contribution: 10 Dollars Venmo: marielle-school PayPal: marielleschool@gmail.com