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Fall Organs


Saying good bye to Summer can be hard.

In class, we will address the Fall organs: the Lunges and the large intestines.

Autumn is the season of moving inward, we need to remember to take it easy and to take it slow.

Our practice will support the lunges through gentle chest openers and Prana Yana (breathing exercises.)

Twists and forward bends will aid the Large Intestines.

The way we can support our Large Intestines, outside our practice, is by eating more soups:

-They are easier on our digestion system

-They nurture Yin ( the feminine quality of intuition and being. )

-The watery substance helps balance the "Fall body."

-The fluids supports the process of letting go of Summer in the Lunges.

Much love,


Zoom Yoga Class, 10/5, 6PM, Central Time

Meeting ID: 522-828-578

Contribution: 10 Dollars

Venmo: marielle-school


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