In nurturing ourselves we will high- light the Heart today.
The heart spreads out in three dimensions.
Chronic tension between the shoulder blades is a heart issue.
Dis -eases of the heart can be: Asthma, bronchitis and heart palpitations.
A healthy heart is a grounded and a soft heart.
In Yoga class the recipe will be: gentle breathing exercises, forward bends and a cycle of Cobra poses.
Please bring a BLANKET or a bolster to the practice.
Much love,
“To fight unhappiness one must first expose it.”
-Simone de Beauvoir
Zoom Yoga Class, 9/27, 7PM, Central Time
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/522828578
Meeting ID: 522-828-578
Contribution: 10 Dollars
Venmo: marielle-school
PayPal: marielleschool@gmail.com