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When one door closes, another one opens, is very true in life and therefor it reflects in our Yoga practice.

The invitation tonight is to play with that concept.

-We will:

- find all the different layers and the shifts in our practice and notice where we find ourselves, physically, emotionally and energetically when we finish a pose.

- address many different muscles and rest in them.

- practice patience and kindness towards our weaker, less developed emotional, mental or physical muscles.

- Take time to feel and slow down during the transitions in our practice when we move to the next pose.

Much love,


“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Zoom Yoga Class, 6/7, 7PM, Central Time

Meeting ID: 522-828-578

Contribution: 10 Dollars

Venmo: marielle-school


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