When we smell the damp earth around us, we can create our own sunshine in our Yoga practice!
The rain is a wonderful life-giving element.
While the earth is renewing and busy, it is beneficial to prepare our bodies for this season.
In our Yoga class, tonight, we will practice invigorating Sun Salutations.
We will follow up with restorative, gentle twists and a loving meditation.
I hope you will be there!
Much love, Marielle
“Don’t figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say.” -Barbara Kingsolver Zoom Yoga Class, 3/24, 7PM, Central Time
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/522828578
Meeting ID: 522-828-578
Contribution: 10 Dollars
Venmo: marielle-school
PayPal: marielleschool@gmail.com