This winter day asks for cozy inside time with tea and a pet on your lap….
February ( 2) 22, 2022 in Astrology is a date that represents a new alignment of balance, cooperation, compassion and deep transformation.
I would like to celebrate this powerful shift with gentleness in our Yoga session through
practicing Spinal Twists.
We will explore healthy twists, which originate from the resistance of the pelvis.
To protect the Sacral Iliac ( SI ) Joint, we do not want to rotate the Lumbar ( lower ) spine.
This way we respect the physiology of the spine and we avoid inflammation in the SI Joint.
For this practice, we will use a BLOCK.
Much love,
“If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.”
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
Zoom Yoga Class, 2/22, 7PM
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/522828578
Meeting ID: 522-828-578
Contribution: 10 Dollars
Venmo: marielle-school
PayPal: marielleschool@gmail.com