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Treasure Yoga


"Each indecision brings it own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost days.

What you can do or think you can do, begin it.

For boldness has Magic, Power and Genius in it."

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Treasuring the present moment, creates a string of lights, leading us into the next miracle.

We can recognize our own creative ability to see, feel and hear the new, fresh experiences.

The practice of Yoga is that still point.

It restores our energies and our perception.

If I can stop the wheels from turning for even a few moments, it has a profound effect on my nervous system and my life starts to come from an entirely different place: based on “love”.

When we are sitting quietly in the midst of turmoil, we extend peace.

We tell the world that all is well.

And the world shines back at us.

Much love,


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Meeting ID: 522-828-578

Contribution: 10 dollars

Venmo: marielle-school


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