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Unification of opposites


Yoga has a very unique advantage: we are friends with Gravity.

We create strength in our energy-body through finding the balance between action and resistance.

We will unify opposites: downward motion facilitates upward lifting.

Our purpose, today, will be to align our energy body in each pose.

True strength happens when we can have short and long muscles and we can hold our strength in both.

It makes us less prone to injuries and more able to “bounce back."

It helps us to be present and grounded.

Much love,


"You build your mind, so make it into something you want to live with.”

Marilynne Robinson

Zoom Yoga Class, 10/11, 7PM, Central Time

Meeting ID: 522-828-578

Contribution: 10 Dollars

Venmo: marielle-school


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