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Unlock the wisdom of your body


Updated: Apr 15, 2021

To connect with our own wisdom and presence, we need to embrace simplicity.

The baseline of our healthy body depends on it.

It is a daily decision to let go of struggle, overwhelm and complexity.

And to focus on nourishing ourselves, re-discovering the intelligence of our body.

This is how we transform our pain and access creative energy.

When we cut the mind off the body we block communication. And it causes stress and anxiety.

When we reconnect body, heart and mind, we feel loved, settled and relaxed.

In this Yoga Class we will connect with the internal experience of our body.

-Through releasing the DIAPHRAGM.

-To rebuild physical strength through our warrior poses, squats and sit-ups.

-To practice resting deeply.

Please bring a strap, belt or scarf to class tomorrow.

Much love,


“...That thou art happy, thou owest to God; that thou continuest such, thou owest to thyself."

-John Milton

Zoom Yoga Class, 4/13, 7PM, Central Time

Meeting ID: 522-828-578

Contribution: 10 dollars

Venmo: marielle-school


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